What Florian Learned by Managing $2.9M in Facebook Adspend

I wanted to share with you a great story from a friend of mine who runs a Facebook ad agency. Florian runs his own marketing agency that manages Facebook ads for clients from all over the world. His agency is now managing over $2.9M in Facebook ad spend for a range of clients, all while he has been traveling to over 20 countries in the past year. I recently sat down with Florian to ask him to share his top tips on how to get the most out of Facebook advertising. Here is what he had to say…Enter your text here...

Florian’s company manages Facebook Ads and also provides consulting services for companies, helping them to learn more about the power of Facebook ads. Florian says that running a successful Facebook ad agency comes down to constantly testing your ads on the Facebook platform. Don’t be afraid to spend money upfront to test ads, it will be worth it in the long run. His company will test out multiple versions of an ad, and then select the best performing ads before committing to a large ad spend. You can save yourself a lot of time and money if you follow this approach he says.

You also need to take into account that the Facebook advertising platform constantly changes, you have to keep on top of the changes and make adjustments to your ads if you want to stay successful according to Florian. Sometimes he will find that one month he is having a lot of success with an ad, but then a month later conversions start to drop off. He says you should make sure that you are constantly learning about these updates so that you can incorporate them into your campaigns.

Florian’s company has built Facebook ad funnels that they now sell to clients, this has made it possible to massively scale his agency business. The funnels he has created can be used to sell both products and services. To sell his new programs, he recommends getting clients on a call so that you can take the client through the product. His agency has found that when a client can put a face or voice to your business, they are much more likely to buy from you.

Please check out my recent sit-down interview with Florian if you would like to learn more about his Facebook ad secrets.

Aleksander Vitkin

Aleksander Vitkin has helped over 700 people with a sincere interest in entrepreneurship and contribution, to start profitable businesses and quit their jobs.
