Be Part of The Online Landgrab

Much like the expansion of the American West in the 1800’s where settlers would move into the mountains, claim some land and build a home, the online landgrab of the early 21st century is a frontier ripe for the taking. YOUR opportunity to create a new world and a life-changing company starts today. In this article, I’d like to discuss the reasons you SHOULD create your own online business and how exactly to go about doing so. But first what exactly is a landgrab?

What Exactly Is The Online Landgrab?

Back in the 18th and 19th centuries, early American settlers would move to The West, then a rapidly expanding territory with large parcels of land that could be claimed by pretty much any settler who had the work ethic and know-how to get out there. People would move to a new state, claim some land, and it was theirs.

If there was gold on it, congratulations, you’re rich. If there’s a beautiful view, maybe some good land for agriculture, congratulations, it’s yours. All you needed was a little bit of self-belief and the patience to see the project of “settling” all the way through to its (often) successful conclusion.

Something very similar to this is happening on The Internet right now. You can simply turn on your computer, buy a few simple pieces of equipment, and begin building your personal empire. Currently, it is basically open season to spread your unique knowledge, talents, and skills with the ever-expanding reach of the Internet.

All you need is a website – it could be a YouTube channel, it could be a blog, it could just be an active presence on social media – and you’re off to the races. You don’t even need much prior knowledge in technology to utilize many of these platforms; there’s absolutely no need to pay someone $6 a day to build your website or anything of the sort. You can essentially just spread your knowledge at will.

The Real Reason You Need To Be Part of It

Ask yourself – who is spreading the knowledge and experience of the informed world currently? If you look at TV, the news, documentaries, and so on, do you really believe every single one of these people is more qualified to do this than you or I? They’re often just normal people like you or I who took a course or two more on film editing and basic journalism.

If you take the time to consider it, this is little more than a matter of reading a few books more than you (information now readily available on the web) and spending a few more years out “in the field” of their niche gaining experience. You can do the exact same thing.

The beautiful truth is that you can get online, get informed, and get experience faster than ever before. A lot of people are self-educated by use of the web these days. You don’t have to be a professor in a university to teach about a given topic. In fact, I would argue that professors in universities are often not qualified in what they’re teaching.

Your Life Experience Is Worth More Than You Think

A perfect example of this was illustrated to me the other day. I was browsing a website where they were advertising free university courses. I thought, “Wow – free university courses, that’s fantastic! Let’s look at some of the offerings!” I looked at dozens of different topics in the curriculum. In every single case, the professor had no real life experience.

Even in the course named something to the effect of “Real Life Application of Economy”, the professor’s profile described no real life experience. He’s been a professor his whole life. Why is he qualified to teach about the real life applications of economic theory?

He hasn’t been in the trenches for decades on end, grinding out the tougher aspects of entrepreneurship. His livelihood doesn’t depend on the success of his business acumen in the real world. Yet there are people in the world for whom this is the case. Why aren’t they teaching real life application?

Everybody Can Get In On The Action

The truth is, they can, and you can too – if you have skills. If you have video editing skills, if you have an extensive knowledge of fitness, if you have a personal understanding of economy and have started a business before, why wouldn’t you teach others?

Why would you go to university, in fact why would anyone go to university to learn some esoteric knowledge that some guy just spent his whole life writing, reading, and teaching about but not applying? Now, I’m not saying that everyone at a university is like this, but from my personal experience, the vast majority of them are.

Here’s The Catch

So, here’s the landgrab – here’s the catch. Your skills, your knowledge, your talent – you can put it online, in a blog, in a website, on social media, you can put it anywhere. Then, with proper implementation of your plans, YOU can build a real business.You can actually help people learn the things they want to learn in your niche. You can make a difference, and there is really nothing stopping you.

There’s really no threshold right now. All it takes is a little bit of self-belief and the most minuscule amount of technology. You can see this in action with my company. All it takes is a camera, a microphone, and a phone. I’ve discussed this in a video before, and there’s a guide on my website on how to do this. So why wouldn’t you do this? Why wouldn’t you be one of those people who is considered an authority figure in what you’re going to teach?

The Altruism of The Online Landgrab

This is the free economy working right now. I know it’s gotten a lot of bad press in the news recently, but the essential point is that if you’re an entrepreneur, you increase the value of things; this is the original definition of the word “entrepreneur”. When you increase the value of things, you give more value than you receive in return. Isn’t that a very good thing for everyone?

Moreover, if you do this, you truly get freedom for yourself, you’re not dependent on the whims of government, or the ups and downs of the economy, your parents, or anyone (or anything) else. There’s no reason to keep it a secret. If you want to keep it a secret, that’s fine, but with the massive expansion of The Internet, eventually someone else will try it and trust me, they will not keep it a secret.

So, I encourage you to start a business online, start a business teaching others your unique skills, and ultimately start a business that helps others. Start a business that gives more than it receives. In time, you will not only personally reap the benefits, but indeed the whole world itself will.


Aleksander Vitkin

Aleksander Vitkin has helped over 700 people with a sincere interest in entrepreneurship and contribution, to start profitable businesses and quit their jobs.
