Starting A Company Gives You The Life of Your Dreams

There is little doubt in my mind that, in the modern world, starting a company is perhaps the best way to secure your future. Today, I want to discuss the reasons why this is true, and how entrepreneurship will streamline your opportunities to change your present circumstances, detach you from the social and institutional shackles that have been holding you back, and ultimately create a life you can be proud of – in fact, the life of your dreams.

Living For Someone’s Else Dream Is Not Living At All

YOU are the number one factor in your future. YOU are the person that is going change your life, and YOU are the person who can create the life of your dreams.

Yet a lot of my clients have an issue that blocks them from seeing these hard truths. They work and work and work. 10, 11, 12 hours per day just to get some freedom. They want to move to another city, get a new house, have some better friends. But they don’t, they just work. A life of servitude.

Living for a salary building someone else’s dreams and funding someone else’s freedom is no way to live at all. As long as it’s going well, they’ll pay you well, but when the shoe drops and your employer looks for places to “trim the fat” on the payroll… you’ll likely to be left out to dry.

Get The Mentality of An Investor – Invest In Yourself

Now, this salary, it helps you to fund a life of purchasing stuff, buying items, being a consumer. You’re constantly working for someone else to consume someone else’s product. What I’m telling you to do is that it doesn’t have to be this way. You can change your mentality from being a consumer to being a producer.

To be a producer, you have to learn how to create. To create, you must stop spending money on useless junk the depreciates in value and start investing in yourself – something that will only appreciate with time and implementation. Get the mentality of an investor. For an investor, every waking moment of their life investing in something that increases, not decreases, their worth to themselves and society.

Books, seminars, interpersonal connections – all solid investments in one’s self-development. Consumer goods like phones, cars, clothing, you name it – all ultimately worthless. Something like a clothing item loses around 80% of its value the minute you walk out of the store. Is that a sound investment in your future?

Starting A Company Is An Investment In A Life Worth Living

But if you invest in your mind, if you invest in being an entrepreneur and delivering a useful product or service to the world, this can last you a lifetime. Now, if you’re thinking, “Well, not EVERYONE can be an entrepreneur”, the truth is not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. But anyone can be an entrepreneur.

Anyone can learn to create value. Anyone can learn to “increase the value of things” (the original meaning of the word “entrepreneur“). Anyone can learn to start a company. Therefore, if you can start a company, you can learn to create a life for yourself that no other person can replicate.

By Definition, Working For Someone Else Has No Security

For example, if you have a job… you get paid per hour. If you’re paid per hour, you’re only there as long as a company needs you. Of course, you also have to pay taxes, so if you lose a job, you usually get some money from the government, but that’s not a guarantee. Look at the economic crisis of a few years ago. Many people lost their jobs and they weren’t getting any money back from anywhere.

So, don’t rely on anyone else, don’t rely on any employers, institutions, or governments. They’re highly inefficient and more likely than not, many of them are not going last. The system that we have now is not going to last forever.  What can last forever is what you train yourself to do. If you train yourself to create value, if you train yourself to be an entrepreneur, if you train your mind and body to become a producer rather than consumer, no one person or larger entity can take that away from you, no matter what happens.

With a specific and consistent set of dedicated actions, you can achieve any amount of wealth you desire, you can create as big a company as your imagination lets you. Of course, you have to learn from your mistakes and be willing to work with others day in and day out, but the foundation will be solid and unshakable.

Starting A Company Is About Starting

Now, a lot of people, when they graduate, they say – “Okay, well I need to get a job for experience first“. In a way this is true, but you can also start a company. School, friends, or an undesirable life circumstance do not guarantee that your company will not flourish. You may not have a lot to offer right now, but you can learn to do all the things you need to do for the long term.

Even if you have to start at the bottom and begin by charging $0, you can still can create a company. As you are getting things off off of the ground, you will learn. This is also how I started in business, so I speak from experience. I began right out of college with barely any skills I would consider useful for entrepreneurship. But I started. I learned everything from trying ideas out, reading books, and utilizing the internet as an educational tool.

The Internet Is A Portal To Success – Use It

Right now the internet is extremely developed. Essentially, you can learn anything on the internet. You can join online communities, you can get mentors, you can take courses on the internet, you can start a company with no prior knowledge. You just need to wake up and think, what am I going to do today? How am I going to improve my skills? What am I going to implement every single day? If you look at my YouTube channel, I think it’s a good example of how to get the ball rolling.

I create YouTube videos very frequently and you can see a very small gradual improvement. They improve ever so slightly, and as they improve, my brand grows. I accrue a wider clientele. You can do the same thing. You don’t have to do videos, but there are excellent skills to be had by starting your own company. No matter what you’re going to do, you’re going to need public speaking. No matter what you’re going to do, you’re going to need sales skills. In short, if you implement IMMEDIATELY, you will learn even if you don’t believe you will.

Your New Life Begins Today

This is how you should approach life. You should start today, you should not wait for a signal from the heavens, you should not procrastinate. You should not wait for a better job, more income, better skills, or any of that nonsense. You should begin today in earnest, and when you’re living the life you’ve always want, shoot me an email. I’ll be around.

Aleksander Vitkin

Aleksander Vitkin has helped over 700 people with a sincere interest in entrepreneurship and contribution, to start profitable businesses and quit their jobs.
