Why You Should Set Big Goals In Your Business

In this article, you’re going to learn why you need to double the level of ambition for your business right now and how truly necessary it is that you set big goals for yourself and career. Topics discussed in this video include real-life examples of people aiming too low and suffering the consequences, the financial benefits of being audacious, and why you need to think BIG.

Set Big Goals To Get Big Results

Now, a lot of people set “realistic goals” – achievable, but average. Even members of my own mastermind have fallen into this trap, going for common price points like $1,000-$5,000 a month. While these are not inherently bad monthly salaries, to the everyday human being they totally reachable over the course of a career and not much of “a stretch”. On the other hand, I have other people in the mastermind setting wildly audacious financial goals in the $100,000-$1 million per month range.

In all of these cases, I’ve noticed a pattern. The people who set $1,000 a month as their goal usually reach around $600. Those who set $5,000 reach around $2,000, and so on. Conversely, the ones who set massive financial benchmarks for themselves achieve greater success for around the same amount of work.

I learned this from Donald Trump. To paraphrase, he said that “if you’re going to use your brain anyway, you might as well set goals that are ridiculously larger than your current expectations. Why not work on something that is much, much harder to achieve?” He further points out that if you do work on the bigger goals, it doesn’t actually turn out to require much more effort. It’s just a bigger goal – not a bigger deal. People think that reaching a certain income goal is a big deal, but it’s only a big deal as far as you imagine it to be.

Huge Successes Should Become Normal To You

If you imagine your massive financial dream to be in the normal course of things, you will likely reach it. I have a mastermind member who has a full-time job and just makes sales calls in his spare time. It’s normal for him. He comes home from work at around 4pm and just starts making calls.

Right now, he’s at $36,000 in revenue. This is a really excellent example of success being in the normal course of things. I know another guy who has a list of 4,000 people who are in his general niche. He just calls away at number after number and closes regularly. No big deal, it’s just a part of his way of life.

Often, the results will mirror the size of your audacious goals. I know one member whose first price point was $27 a month – very cheap – who quickly raised his amount by $10. No change in number of closes. Then he raised it to $47, still no change. There are other people in this same member’s niche who close at $160-$197 a month. Why would you close at a low number if you can get the same number of conversions at a high number?

Set Big Goals In Life AND Business

Why set these low goals? Why shoot for the middle? Aim high. You can go as far as you want – six, seven, eight figures – it’s up to you. If you’re going to reach a slightly lower goal than you set out to, you might as well home-in on something grandiose and land somewhere in the region of the very wealthy.

My personal goal is to help 100 people reach seven-figures by 16 December 2015. I’m actively recruiting 100 mastermind members to reach seven- figures in their business.

In addition to that, I plan to reach eight-figures by that time for my own work. By age 50, I want to run a $1-billion dollar company. Now, I don’t know exactly how I’m going to do that because it’s so far in the future, but the wildly audacious goal is there and it will serve as an anchor to point me to the general level of success I expect in the future.

So, write it down – what is your goal? What is your ideal financial benchmark 10-20 years from now? Think about it, comment on it, and start working towards it.


Aleksander Vitkin

Aleksander Vitkin has helped over 700 people with a sincere interest in entrepreneurship and contribution, to start profitable businesses and quit their jobs.
