How Loving Your Own Video Will Improve Your Video Quality

When you’re starting a business that involves video, you should always be concerned with the newest ideas on how to improve your video quality. Today, I’d like to discuss how loving the presentation of your own video, how having a passion for what you’re selling, will increase the value of every video you put online.

Improve Your Video Quality By Editing Yourself

So, let me tell you a little story. When I started my YouTube business less than four months ago my videos weren’t very good. To make matters worse, I knew it. I could barely stand to watch my own work; the weird angles and awkward cuts almost grossed me out. I almost wanted to speak out against myself.

Part of the reason for this disgust came from letting someone else edit my programs. This is a huge mistake when you’re first starting a video-based business. Don’t pay someone else to do it. You should have to cut up your own work so you listen to every single word and every single mistake.

Force Yourself To Observe Your Own Mistakes

You want to develop this habit so that you yourself can iron out the mistakes you’re seeing. You need to watch and observe them time and time again until they become engrained in your mind as issues that should be quickly addressed.

Letting someone else choose your content and edit your videos will only lead to dissonance between the intended message and the actual delivery of your ideas. I did this in the beginning, and if you watch my early videos the camera work and transitions are often just odd.

The videos aren’t cut as well because I outsourced my message to someone else, and interestingly I progressed at a slower rate than I am now. This is quite ironic because usually you progress the fastest when just get the ball rolling.

Solution: Love The Videos You Create

So, if the external solution is to edit your own videos, what is the internal one? You have to love your video work. Love the videos that you’re creating. Love the shot, love the location, love the light, love the tone of your voice, love as much as you can to create the best product.

You need to be proud of what you’re doing, even your content. I understand that your main priority with content is to target your subject matter towards your audience, but you should still have a passion for what you’re discussing.

You may think that some of the content you have to deliver is the same old “newbie” stuff, but you can still love your delivery, or your editing, or something else in your video. Learn to appreciate the value of what you’re offering to the newer members of your niche; it’s important work.

Enthusiasm Creates Enthusiasm

The more enthusiastic you are when delivering your content, the more likely your audience will have the same feeling. You’ll come across as more sincere, honest, and trustworthy. The more they’ll see you’re not trying to “market” or “sell” them, rather just tell them “how it is”.

For me, I really like my content now. Before, I couldn’t even watch it. I started getting into topics I actually like to expand on as opposed to talking about what I thought I was supposed to. That’s really how you go towards the road of mastery, which is what we all want, isn’t it?

Aleksander Vitkin

Aleksander Vitkin has helped over 700 people with a sincere interest in entrepreneurship and contribution, to start profitable businesses and quit their jobs.
