How You Can Generate Content Forever

I often get requests from my clients to explain how I can generate content at such a rapid rate and at such a consistent level of quality. They ask how I keep coming up with it, where does my inspiration come – all of the usual suspects. Today I’d like to explain my method, why I do it this way, and how you can use this method yourself to truly generate content forever.

Generate Content Forever Without Notes

The first questions I usually get on how I generate content revolve around the level of preparation I do. “Do you take notes beforehand? Do you have a teleprompter?” things of this nature. My thoughts on this may come as shocking, but they are specifically designed to induce the most productive work ethic and mindstate for a marketer gearing for long-term success.

Now, in my opinion, if you’re new to creating a massive amount of content in a relatively short amount of time (say, a month or two), and especially if you’re doing 5-10 minute videos, you should not use a teleprompter. Similarly, you should probably not prepare any notes.

What you are practicing for by not preparing is to enter a state of flow in your video while you speak, and create a genuine expression of yourself (and thus your brand) for your audience. For this video, for example, I literally had no idea what I was going to talk about until the camera was turned on. Even more, within the first one minute of filming, I didn’t know what I was going to say.


You Have To Crawl Before You Walk

Why do I do this to myself? Why do I put myself under so much pressure just to make a video? It would be so much easier to prepare for an extended period like I do for my presentations for large audiences. But I need to learn how to generate an endless amount of content, because I’m in it for the long haul. This is done through learning how to speak for hours and hours through an optimized sense of personal flow. And so that is what must be done.

When you are first building your brand, you need to learn how to speak about your product or service’s core values for hours on end. You need to learn how to just generate content and more content. You need to learn how to be the vocal expression of your work. So don’t prepare before you shoot your videos, just start talking.

Now, there is a prerequisite for this of course – you must read a ton of books and implement your ideas as much as possible to see what works and what doesn’t work for your brand. In my case, I’ve been implementing for years as a marketer while reading three books a week.  That helps build self-trust that I can create the content if I just start speaking.

Develop The Habit First

Additionally, if this is a topic you love, it will be much easier to speak at length in a conversation, a camera, or wherever, about that subject. Your company should be something you feel bursting out of yourself, and so you want to speak about it. It’s much easier to bring out the content for something that you love.

And after, for example, a month of doing this every day as I’m doing, you develop a skill of being able to speak endlessly about a given topic. With this habit developed, after a month, I’m going to prepare my topics a bit more. You could pursue a similar course of action. Furthermore, I’m going to add that increased preparation with more targeted content. The more targeted your niche, the more likely your content will be absorbed in a meaningful way.

Your Audience Tells You What Content To Generate

At the moment, I have videos about pretty much anything. I have videos about recruitment, I have videos about marketing, I have videos about sales, and so on. But, ultimately you want to target a certain audience. Most marketers think in this way, as do I. Generate content, then gather data about what aspects of that content brings in paying customers. Once they actually start paying, you know what works and generate new content based on what sells in your target market.

The way I personally execute this is, I do paid coaching for an hour. I offer them the best advice I have, learn about their price point, what their goals are, and what my business can do for them. By learning what they’re willing to pay for, I plan to make more and more content based specifically on their interest. I’ll shoot videos on a subject discussed with a paying client, I do a Q&A based on inquiries in my niche, etc.

This Is Not About Fame

Now a slightly different but highly related topic is the relationship of building a large audience and becoming “famous“. Some people want to become famous just for the sake of becoming famous. They want people to recognize them, shower them with adoration, and basically just fill the bottomless pit that is their ego. Please avoid these tendencies at all costs.

I don’t agree with the “get famous quick” or “fame as a foundation for ego” mentality at all. Look, there’s enough toxic and superficial ideas in the world already. Building your brand is not about getting another yacht, red carpet events, or a fanmail. Your brand should be about sending something out to the world worthwhile. The more value offered by your brand to your audience, the larger it will grow, regardless of your relative level of fame to an A-list Hollywood actor.

The Higher Purpose

So, if you want to build your audience, you need to have a very specific goal. Additionally, that goal should have some higher purpose or public service attached to it, not just making more cash. If you just have the goal of making money, once you achieve that, you won’t have a sense of achievement, trust me. You just feel a bit like, “Okay, I’m here in my mansion – what do I do now?” It doesn’t change how you feel about yourself ultimately.

But if you find a HIGHER purpose, your business will keep growing, and you will just feel good just by GROWING. With this, you will do what you love, and others are likely to love what you do. And when you arrive at that point, it will pretty damn easy to generate more content.

Aleksander Vitkin

Aleksander Vitkin has helped over 700 people with a sincere interest in entrepreneurship and contribution, to start profitable businesses and quit their jobs.
