How To Work While Traveling Like A Pro

The dream to work while traveling is an increasingly enticing option for many people in business. Today, I want to explain how you can accomplish it with relative ease while not taking a hit on your personal quality of living.

Work While Traveling Is 100% Possible For You

I’ve personally done work while traveling since 2012. It’s a completely attainable goal if you so chose. The ease of doing business from anywhere with an Internet connection has become so ubiquitous as to make it barely a point of stress. The first step, of course, is to leave your home country and begin traveling. In my case, I left Belgium and moved out into the world.

First, I went to Barcelona, then Turkey, then Hungary, then a host of other places in Europe. I went all over The United States, Asia, and even a nearly deserted island in The Phillipines. Anywhere where there was Internet, I was good to go – I could just work online. Currently, I’m in Prague. Even though I don’t have a local job, what I do have is a business online. And that’s all I need.

Option A: Work Freelance Gigs By The Hour

You don’t actually have to own a business, by the way. If you’re really motivated, all you need is a laptop, Internet connection, and a marketable skill to do freelance work for. You can simply login and starting get paid by the hour. I used to do this myself. So if you want to start easy, you can go to a site like and begin searching for freelance gigs. I have a video explaining this process in further deal.

You go to this site, post your marketable skill and begin researching job opportunities on The Internet. Make sure what you’re offering is something you know people will pay you a decent wage for (SEO, sales, marketing, video editing, etc.) and people will be more than happy to pay you through online channels if you do the work and log your hours properly. This could be $10-$20 an hour or maybe even more. The last time I worked on Odesk, I received $107 an hour. Almost any price point’s possible for you.

Option B: Start Your Own Online Business

Your second option is to start an online business. An online business is not something like SEO or anything like that; those are just techniques to generate traffic. In my opinion, if you want to generate long-term business, you should start something more tangible like being a coach. If you start coaching people on The Internet, you can sustain a stable lifestyle while traveling. You can do Skype sessions for $100s an hour and teach people what you know.
For example if you want to teach video editing, or marketing, or a new language you can do that while traveling. You don’t even need any real “special skills”. I know a veterinarian who trains people how to handle their dogs online. Within the first week that he had a video on YouTube, he got a sale. Imagine if he does seven sales in a week (totally possible). He can live wherever he want.

You Can Maintain A Quality Standard of Living

Ultimately, the online business is much better than a short-term freelance gig, but the main point is you can make this happen. I really encourage you to develop your own brand, start off your career as a coach, build a mastermind with recurring income, and then you’re not stuck to any one place. Travel as much as you like. As long as there’s Internet, you’re set for life.

The last thing I would like to point out is that you don’t have to lower your quality of life to make this happen. There’s a stereotype that you have to live in massive hostel dorm rooms your whole life to work while traveling. Not true. You don’t have be a hobo, you don’t have to be a backpacker, you don’t even have to sleep on people’s couches – I never do that.

I’ve slept in hotel rooms, nice hostels, and most frequently in apartments that I rent for short-term. I suggest you rent places for 2-3 months to give yourself a sense of stability while you build up momentum in your work. Take advantage of sites like AirBnB or local renting webpages to find good housing on a monthly basis.

Aleksander Vitkin

Aleksander Vitkin has helped over 700 people with a sincere interest in entrepreneurship and contribution, to start profitable businesses and quit their jobs.
