How To Outsource Almost Any Kind Of Work

In this article, you’ll find out how you can deliver almost any kind of service, to almost any company.

I’ve been receiving questions on this topic a lot – that they can’t find out how to make a website; how to make a video, an SEO service, how to do copy writing etc.

You don’t need to know all these things. You can pay someone for a lot of this, and I will show you exactly how. It’s very straightforward. All you need is some practice, to try people out. But here’s how I hire people.

Go to, and search ‘website developers’ for example. There are so many of them (26,000 of them when I looked),and if we just select the best ones using the drop down menu, select feedback rating of 4.5 & above, and web development. I’ve heard good things about Bangladesh recently, so under the country drop down menu I chose that. The people showing up in the results are essentially the best talent in Bangladesh (on

I also chose to filter results even further, by selecting a thousand hours logged in the last 6 months. These guys will be really hard workers; there aren’t that many, but there are a few. The hourly rate ranged from about $4/hour to $16/hour. I haven’t tested these people out, but I’m pretty sure they’d be good at what they’re doing, because they have 4.5 starts & above, and they’ve logged thousands of hours in the last 6 months.

You can take a more in depth look at their reviews, and see what people have commented about them.

That’s web developers. If we take a look at copywriters – I selected the options writing and translation, subcategory copy writing, country United States, 4.5 stars & above, 100+ hours logged in the last six months. Their hourly rate was fairly pricey, as you may expect from the United States, but you’re paying for pretty much the best (from

Of course test them out, give them a little test project, a 24 hour project, a one week project. I have a long video explaining this process (on my YouTube channel, it’s called ‘lean start up recruitment strategy’). This is the key principle – you can hire almost anyone for almost any kind of job, and as long as you can sell, as long as you understand enough, and you can sell it, you have yourself a business.

You still have to deliver; you still have to perform, keep the customers happy, and get them to pay you. Other than that you can start almost any kind of business, offering crazy stuff.

A crazy example would be CGI, I’ve never looked for this before. CGI is used in Hollywood, all these fancy graphics in movies, and stuff like that. Again I selected 4.5 stars & above. Some CGI artists showed up from the United States, Denmark, and Russia etc. Animators showed up, 3D artists – you can find absolutely crazy stuff here. You could see a service where you offer CGI, and 3D visualization for a much higher price than what their asking for here.

You don’t have the excuse you can’t do the work yourself, it’s not really valid. The most important skill is sales. If you can learn sales you can do this. Watch some of my videos, and you can learn sales skills, and you can outsource it to these people or any niche you want (there’re a million things you can outsource).

Aleksander Vitkin

Aleksander Vitkin has helped over 700 people with a sincere interest in entrepreneurship and contribution, to start profitable businesses and quit their jobs.
