How To Gain Momentum And Achieve Long Lasting Success In Business
Have you ever found yourself in a company where new projects tend do just fizzle out, disappear, and die a slow lingering death. Or have you ever tried to start a company, where you try to implement something new, you try to get it going, get those skills going, get the marketing going, and slowly nothing happens. It just starts dying, and you end up having a job, for some guy you don’t like, and going through traffic every morning, and you want to ‘kill yourself’.
I’m going to cover how to implement stuff properly, so you don’t give up, and it doesn’t fizzle out, and you’ll have a successful business, where stuff gets done. You want to develop the habit of getting shit done, and developing new processes that are implemented in to the business.
The best way I’ve found to do this, is to only add three new things to any given process (this is what I’m doing right now). If you have an established process, you’ve been doing it for thirty to ninety days (that’s almost on auto pilot). So for me, standing in front of the camera, and just talking, eventually some content will come out.
If I want to add new features to the process, I can’t do ten new things, I have to do a few little things. I’ve found I can do three things, which I can add to an existing process successfully. There are things like explaining the topic better, making the title more clear, and having a better call to action. Things like this, are relatively easy to add.
A lot of newbies make the mistake, of getting a new tip for their business, and then changing everything. It could be something like the title of the blog should be different, then they decide to do the intro differently as well, and then they decided to edit the outro, then maybe the content should be written differently, and it just goes on and on.
The project becomes this huge complicated monster, and the first day they struggle though hours and hours, trying to implement this, and it kind of works a little bit, and then on the second day, they forget half of the stuff they were supposed to be committing to implementing.
Then on the third day, all the new stuff they were going to do disappears, and they go back to where they were, which is basically nowhere. The same thing happens in established companies, and existing companies.
Someone will want to make a new website, for a specific product, and they will go to the developer, and the developer will say: “yeh yeh, let’s get going”. The developer needs feedback from someone, like the marketing director, and he needs feedback from the CEO, and he’s on a trip, he’s busy, he can’t do it. The marketing director won’t get his feedback, so he doesn’t follow up, and the project kind of just fizzles out over time, because the processes are all slow, and clunky, and it doesn’t work.
This could be handled more efficiently. For example in an existing company, if you want to create a new website, for an existing product, you get someone to be one hundred percent in charge of it all. Who every morning will follow up on the project. He will get on that shit, and he’ll tell you here’s where the project is, here’s the current deadline, here’s what’s left to be done, and here’s what we have done.
He follows up with it every single day, and it’s a habit of implementation. If you’re just starting out: similarly you only work on three things, at the same time. So these are two ways, of making complicated, and even less complicated projects work. They won’t die, and fizzle out.
Try implementing this into your business. You’d be surprised, I’ve seen twenty million dollar companies do this wrong, and also a lot of beginners do this wrong. If you fix this, and you have a proper system of implementation, maybe later you can implement more things at the same time. Right now, just stick to three things you’re implementing, at the same time, until they’re pretty much on autopilot.
Give this a try in your business, and let me know how it goes for you. If you have any questions, comment down below.