How To Find The Best Sales Pages (So You Can “Copy” Them)

In this article, you’ll find out how you can find the best sales letters, and sales pages in the world. If you’re offering these services to clients, or you’re using them yourself. Below will explain how you can find them for yourself, and research the best ones (these are proven to perform).

The advantage of using a good sales page or letter, is that you’ll get more sales per person coming to your website, than if you don’t do this. If you do this for a client, they’ll get better results on their websites.

A lot of people on their websites don’t really use very good sales letters, or sales pages. A couple of examples are that they don’t use is a good copy writer, or carry out good research. They just write something that sounds right.

Let’s look at people who look at data, who actually put in the effort, and hire professional copywriters, and rely on this as their primary source of income. The site I go to find the best sales letters, and sales pages, etc, is You’ll see a tonne of categories on this website, I selected one of the categories at random – home and garden, and then selected dog training courses. I clicked on one which had a fairly high gravity (which means it’s getting a lot of sales, and it’s performing fairly well).

Imagine you were contacting local companies which specialised in dog training, and you said: ‘your site is very simple right now, you don’t have any sales letters, and you don’t have sales videos. How’re you getting sales on your website?’ You can offer them something like a good example off You already know the page from ClickBank is working, you already know it works – you know it’s getting sales. The layout of the page I was looking at was fairly traditional, it had a sales letter, with a sales video on top. You’ll be able to see exactly how they sell it from the sources I’ve given you.

You can learn from this, and use this, and offer it to local businesses. You will need to hire a copy writer to actually make it work for a local business which trains dogs. You can’t copy an example straight from this website, you’ve got to make it relevant for the people you’re making a website for.

The guy who made the sales page on ClickBank, will have a lot of looked at other sales pages, and learnt from them, and that’s how it’s done. Learn from the guys who’re already getting a few sales per day. You can really cash in on this by offering it to local businesses.
Try to implement this, learn from the market place on, and contact some local businesses – you’ll get some nice sales. Get ads, and pages to your website, get them more sales, and maybe even get part of the profit in exchange for generating them more sales.

If you have any questions comment down below.

Aleksander Vitkin

Aleksander Vitkin has helped over 700 people with a sincere interest in entrepreneurship and contribution, to start profitable businesses and quit their jobs.
