How James Went From Working For An Agency To Running His Own $5k/Month Online Agency (in Just Three Months)

It’s Alexander Vitkin here, I recently sat down with James, one of our Business Mentor Insiders (BMI) members for a chat about how his business is doing. I thought I would share with you what he had to say.

James has been a member of BMI for just over 3 months, and he recently landed a $4K project and is now making $5K or more each month. This is his story about how he went from zero revenue to $5K per month in just 3 months. Hopefully, this will give you some tips so that you might be able to replicate his success in your own business.

Before joining BMI James worked what he describes as a ‘boring 9 to 5’ job and wasn’t really very happy with where his career was going. Like a lot of other people his age in the UK, he had gone to university and graduated and then found himself a job working for a marketing agency. But he really wanted more out of life, so he began to think about how to start his own business. The problem was he didn’t have any experience in running a business or much knowledge in how to set one up. This is why he decided to join BMI.

What Did James Learn From BMI?

James says that through BMI he was able to learn everything from how to make sales to how to manage projects. For James, it was an A to Z guide on how to launch and grow an online agency business. He especially liked that in BMI you are thrown straight into the deep end, it's not a ‘talk feast’; you are instantly able to apply what you have learned in the real world.

James loved that in BMI there was always a network of people to lean on when he was having a problem. He says that he doesn’t think he would have had the success that he has had without learning from a great group of instructors and fellow members. The knowledge that you have access to is truly amazing, he says.

One of the other big lessons from BMI for James was to not be afraid to be pickier with the clients that you work with. He says that now his business is more established he can turn down clients if he does not think they would be a good fit. He now will only work with clients if they are serious about the growth of their business and that they are the type of people that he can trust and work well with.  

How Has Life Changed for James Since Joining BMI?

According to James after just two months of joining BMI, he was making enough money to be able to quit his day job and focus 100% of his time on his business. He now works to his own schedule and from wherever he wants to. James says that not only has his professional life improved but his newfound freedom has made his personal life better as well. He can now spend more time with the people he cares about.

James is now focused on scaling his business by hiring freelancers to do project delivery so that he can focus on running the business. He can now put into practice all of the knowledge he has about sales and use it to bring in more clients. His goal now is to build a multi-million-dollar agency and be able to help hundreds of clients from all over the world. 

What Advice Does James Have for Other Aspiring Business Owners?

James says don’t be afraid to take the first step. Even if you are currently employed in a 9 to 5 job you have the skills that are required to get started with a program like BMI. The things you do in your day job like communicating with other people, selling and managing projects are all skills that you can transfer over to running your own business. The only thing that will stop you is having the courage to take the plunge and get started.

At Business Mentor Insiders we have successfully put hundreds of students through our tried and tested program. If you would like help to start you on your entrepreneurial journey, please click the button below to book a call with us today.

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Aleksander Vitkin

Aleksander Vitkin has helped over 700 people with a sincere interest in entrepreneurship and contribution, to start profitable businesses and quit their jobs.
